7 Effective Tips to Manage PCOD

 In the recent years, most of the women have been diagnosed with PCOD, and it implies that it is just a lifestyle disorder. On the one hand, it could be a horrible news for the women but on the positive side, it is a lifestyle disorder which means that it can be easily managed with extra precautions. Treatment from a good PCOD clinic in Bilaspur should be considered along with some healthy lifestyle changes. In this blog, we'll discuss some of the tips that can help you in managing PCOD. 


Eat healthy food: You can start to make positive changes in your lifestyle by making small changes in your food. Include healthy protein in your diet. Ensure the fact that your blood sugar levels are under control. Include leafy green vegetables in your diet and avoid eating bread or any fatty items.

Avoid caffeine: Are you aware of the fact that blood pressure increases with caffeine intake? The blood pressure levels are greatly affected by regular intake of caffeine. Rather, you must consider to take herbal tree or green tea instead of coffee. It can even help in weight management.

Maintain a healthy weight: It doesn't matter that you are suffering from PCOD or not, it is important that you maintain a healthy weight. Eat a balanced diet and insure that you work out on a routine basis. Control the stress levels and get good sleep regularly.

Do not consume saturated and hydrogenated fats: You can find saturated food in dairy products and animal products. The saturated foods can increase cholesterol and calories in your body. Baked foods contain hydrogenated fats that you must avoid them.

Vitamin D: In a study, it has been found out that almost 70% of women with PCOD are Vitamin D deficient. If you introduce vitamin D in your regular routine, then you may notice visible changes like increase in insulin sensitivity, reduce in weight, minimal inflammation, lower cholesterol and period control.

Add seeds to your diet: If you are suffering from PCOD from past few years, then if you include flax seeds and sesame seeds, then it can show wonders in your body. But as per the PCOD dieticians, you must not consume seeds more than 20 grams a day.

Eat small frequent meals: People suffering from PCOD also experience water retention. By consuming good amount of water and eating small but regular meals throughout the day is the best way to prevent water retention in the body.

The above tips as suggested by experts of PCOD clinic in Bilaspur are enough to help you to get rid of PCOD. Do try to incorporate them!


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